The copyright of the content (eg programs, information, data) and services of the website (site) shop.golgimedical.gr (hereinafter referred to as “site”) that have been entered into the network, are protected by the Greek, Community and international copyright laws.

It is strictly prohibited to copy, distribute, transfer, alternate, selling or misleading action according to the real provider of the website. Any reproduction, reprint, republication, upload, announcement, broadcasting or propagation or any other use of the content with any means for commercial or other purposes without the written consent of the intellectual owner of shop.golgimedical.gr.

The e-shop shop.golgimedical.gr contains content (i.e. information, names, photos, illustrations) from e-commerce products and services “exactly as they appear”. In no case is the online store shop.golgimedical.gr liable for any claims of legal or civil and/or criminal nature or for any damage (positive, special or negative, which is an indicative and not restrictive, divisive or cumulative loss of profits, lost profits, monetary satisfaction, etc.) by visitors of the website or third parties due to a reason related to the operation or not or the use of the website or the inability to provide services or information provided by it or by any unauthorized interference by third parties in products and/or services or information available through it. The photos of the products are indicative and we do not bear any responsibility for any spelling mistakes

Prices are subject to change without notice. Price commitment is made only through electronic ordering and confirmation by the ordering department and not by the automated order registration message. The online store under the brand shop.golgimedical.gr can provide no guarantee for the availability of the products but undertakes to inform the customers in time about the non-availability. The customer from the moment the order is processed by the order department and has confirmed ensures that he will receive the product at the price at which he “accepted” the transaction even if the price changes in the process. If the products or services are listed on the website with the wrong price due to a typographical error then the orders are automatically cancelled. shop.golgimedical.gr is not responsible for any damages that occur to the customer/user of the online store from the execution or not of the orders or from the delay of execution for any reason.

The use of the website must be done exclusively for legal purposes and in a way that does not restrict or impede its use by third parties. The visitor is obliged to use the website following the law, good manners and these terms, and not to perform acts or omissions that may cause damage or malfunction to it, affect or endanger the provision of services of shop.golgimedical.gr

This website may contain references to third party websites. shop.golgimedical.gr is not responsible for the content of these pages as well as for any damage resulting from their use, as the visitor has access to them at his own risk.

The online store shop.golgimedical.gr makes every effort to ensure the proper functioning of its website but does not guarantee that the operations of the website or servers will be uninterrupted or without any kind of error, free of viruses or other similar elements.

The online store shop.golgimedical.gr reserves the right to modify, add, change the content or services of the website, as well as the terms of use, whenever it deems necessary and without prior notice, by simply announcing them through its website. place.

The online store shop.golgimedical.gr reserves the right to change the prices of the products as they are formed daily based on the price lists of the suppliers and the exchange rates of the currencies, whenever it deems it necessary and without prior notice, by only announcing them online. place. The final price of a product is formed on the day of its invoicing.

Your order must be processed within 48 hours of being notified of availability. In any other case, we will have to cancel your order and re-order.
The cooperating courier company keeps the cash on delivery parcels for up to 3 working days. As soon as the date of 3 days after arrival arrives and the recipient does not appear, the parcels are returned without any warning.

The names, images, logos and insignia representing shop.golgimedical.gr or third parties and their products or services are the exclusive trademarks of shop.golgimedical.gr or third parties protected by their respective trademark laws. Their appearance on the website should in no way be construed as a transfer or assignment of their license or right of use.

Visiting the website presupposes the unconditional acceptance of the above terms and the use of the services of shop.golgimedical.gr, as they appear in the respective services.